At the beginning of June, the project’s partners, “Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-End Tourism throughout Europe” (SUHET), gathered at FT UM. The project is led by Lapin AMK – Lapland University of Applied Sciences, and other participants include Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, EhB – Erasmushogeschool Brussels, and the University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism.

The meeting of project partners aimed at educating pedagogical staff in using the Coursera platform, which is being utilized within the project for delivering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) developed as part of the project. During the three-day meeting, an intensive training session on the platform’s functionalities took place on the first day, followed by a field trip on the second day to learn about best tourism practices. The meeting concluded on Wednesday with a confirmation of continued work on the project.