SUHET project tackles the gap between academic knowledge and industry needs in high-end tourism through a unique internship network. Students gain practical experience at participating businesses, allowing them to refine their skills and potentially secure future employment. Businesses benefit from a pool of qualified interns, fostering network building and internationalization.

Both students and businesses contributed valuable feedback to refine the SUHET course content, ensuring it reflects current industry demands. SUHET project created a network specifically focused on high-end tourism, offering students targeted placements and businesses access to international talent. The internship network generated 10 case studies, 2 from each partner country, enriching the learning experience for future students and professionals enrolling to the MOOC. The participating students’ professional experience after taking the MOOC is presented in the SUHET Portfolio of Case Studies.

Funded by the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for the content of this publication.

Project number: 2021-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000031996