News and Updates

SUHET Multiplier event in Spain

On 20 November the Edifici Blanc hosted the presentation of the new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Sustainable High-End Tourism, as part of the closing ceremony for the project Erasmus+ SUHET “Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-end Tourism...

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SUHET Project Partners Meet in Slovenia

At the beginning of June, the project's partners, "Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-End Tourism throughout Europe" (SUHET), gathered at FT UM. The project is led by Lapin AMK - Lapland University of Applied Sciences, and other participants...

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SUHET Partners Meet in Slovenia for a Workshop

At the beginning of June, the project’s partners, “Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-End Tourism throughout Europe” (SUHET), gathered at FT UM. The project is led by Lapin AMK – Lapland University of Applied Sciences, and other participants...

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Funded by the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for the content of this publication.

Project number: 2021-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000031996